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What is Drainage & Who is Responsible for What?

There pictures of drainage jobs attending by Vikings Building Solutions in Coventry

Drainage is not just about the water that spirals down our sinks and showers. In Britain, properly functioning drainage is crucial for public health, protecting property from expensive damage, and ensuring the environment is safeguarded from pollution. But what exactly is drainage to you, the homeowner, and what roles do Local Authorities, water authorities like Severn Trent Water, and specialist drainage engineers like us at Vikings Building Solutions play in managing it? Let’s dive in.

a drainage system picture with pipes connecting

Resident’s Responsibilities

As a homeowner, you are responsible for keeping a free-flowing within the boundaries of your property. This includes ensuring that your private drains, which connect to your kitchen, bathroom, and guttering, are kept clean and in good repair. When problems like blocked drains in Coventry or elsewhere arise, it falls on you to address them promptly to prevent damage to your home or health hazards.

However, the responsibility doesn’t always stop at your property line. If you share pipes with a neighbour (a “lateral drain”), coordinating with them becomes vital for maintenance and repair.

While some drainage issues and blocked drains may be caused by incorrectly disposed of waste, other things, such as roots, and more can impact your drainage systems. If you suspect an issue, a competent contractor must assess your drains.

A picture of a drain being jetted following a call out for emergency drain unblocking

The Role of Local and Water Authorities

Local Authorities and water companies such as Severn Trent Water also have a large part to play. Their responsibilities include managing public sewers, which are the larger pipes into which your drains eventually lead. They also handle the overall water management in the area, including drainage flooding risks in the surrounds around your home, and ensuring that the infrastructure is maintained to prevent public health issues.

Drainage Flooding vs. Surface Water Flooding: What’s the Difference?

A picture of surface water flooding

Understanding the distinction between drainage flooding and surface water flooding is crucial for UK residents. Drainage flooding occurs when the sewage and water drainage systems are overwhelmed, often by heavy rainfall, leading to water or sewage backing up into homes. Surface water flooding, on the other hand, happens when rainwater does not infiltrate the ground or drain away, pooling on the surface and potentially causing overland flow into properties.

Sadly, there is not much you can do about surface water flooding if your property lies in a flood zone. You can however play your party, by ensuring your drains are well maintained, and you dispose of waste correctly. 

Contact Vikings Building Solutions for Drainage Support

For residents facing drainage issues, from the commonly blocked drains in Coventry to the need for emergency drain unblocking, Vikings Building Solutions offers 24/7 response for all drain unblocking emergencies. 

Our services include includes:

Drain Unblocking: We utilise a range of techniques for fixing blocked drains, including drain jetting, drain rodding, drain excavation and more.

Drain Surveys: We utilise high-tech equipment to provide CCTV drain surveys to diagnose issues, which inform the actions we will take.

Preventative Maintenance: Helping you avoid future blockages and drainage issues through regular checks and maintenance services.

Our team of drain engineers is equipped to tackle everything from the routine to the urgent, ensuring that your home remains safe, dry, and comfortable.

a picture of a main working on a job doing Drain unblocking


Understanding your responsibilities regarding drainage and knowing who to turn to when issues arise can save you a significant amount of time, money, and stress. Whether it’s regular maintenance to prevent blocked drains or needing emergency assistance in Coventry and beyond, Vikings Building Solutions Ltd is here to support UK residents with professional & efficient solutions.

Click here to contact us for more information.

Remember, managing drainage effectively is a shared responsibility between homeowners, local authorities, and water authorities. By staying informed and proactive, you are far likelier to avoid emergencies.

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